
Thursday, May 27, 2010

Guest Post: LauraLou at Lucky In Love

 Today I have a guest post for you from one of my very first blogger friends =]  Laura is literally my twin, not only in our wedding planning process, but in life too! It's so weird.  I'm really hoping to get a chance to meet her sometime in the near future.  She's getting married in about a month, so go follow along with the rest of her progress.

LauraLou at Lucky in Love:

I was SO excited when Kristin asked me if I'd be interested in writing a guest post for her while she was on her honeymoon.  Kristin and I call each other our wedding twin because of all the things we have in common and our similar taste in everything wedding related.  It's been so much fun getting to know her over the last several months.  When we first started talking, we were both finishing up school and in long distance relationships.  Thankfully, we're now both college graduates and living with our fiances/husbands (WEIRD!).

I've loved finding other brides who have similar themed weddings or projects.  It's always exciting to see how their projects turn out - It's like seeing someone accomplish exactly what you envisioned but couldn't ever quite describe.  I've never found anyone else who was quite as similar to me as Kristin.  Don't believe me?


Kristin’s ribbon pomander topiary

 My ribbon pomander topiary

I could go on, but basically, I found someone who is always thinking what I am and shares my personality and taste.  I've loved watching Kristin's planning process and I can't wait to see how all of her projects turned out! (Not just for my sake, but because I know how hard she worked on all of them!)
Kristin, I hope you had the wedding day of your dreams! I'm sure you were an absolutely gorgeous bride and I know I speak for all of your readers when I say I am soo anxious to see your pictures! I'm sure all of your details were beautiful.  Enjoy the rest of your honeymoon - you definitely deserve the rest and relaxation!


  1. OMG! I read BOTH your blogs and I NEVER noticed that!

    I remember feeling supremely STUPID when I realized late in the game that Bruce Willis was dead in Sixth Sense. I pretty much feel exactly the same right now. ;)

  2. Hahaha, Dancy! Sometimes I don't think WE realize how similar our ideas/projects/personalities are until we read each other's posts!
