
Friday, January 29, 2010

The Rings: Mine

So as you know, I've been a pretty bad blogger lately, as far as consistency goes.  But I've also been holding out on you guys.  So for the rest of the week, I'll be getting you all caught up to date on what's been going on with our wedding.

And today we'll start with the rings.  I've actually had my wedding band for a couple months now.  We bought it before Christmas, and be we, I mean Mr. T put money in my bank account and I went and picked it up.  I just love the size of my fingers, because I've always been able to walk into a store and walk out with the ring on my finger without having to have it resized or ordered.

You might have seen my engagement ring already, if you've been following along for awhile.  It has a wedding band soldered onto it already because it was Mr. T's great grandma's ring.  So I knew I needed to find a band that wasn't too big, and had a top that went straight across.  And since the diamond in the engagement ring is on the smaller side, I also knew I wanted something a little sparkly.
Here's what I came up with.

I got it from J B Robinson where Mr. T has bought me jewelry from before.  The cost of the ring including tax and all insurance was $266.48 on sale.
Here are a few more pictures to feast your eyes on.

You can see how well the bands line up together.

I took this picture last weekend at my parents house; their Christmas stuff is still out.

The only thing I don't like about my band, is that it has no surface area on the inside for engraving because of the way the diamonds are set.  But we'll put something on Mr. T's ring and that will be just fine.

1 comment:

  1. Love the rings together! I want something sparkly for my wedding ring too so will probably have no space for engraving either. sigh
