Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Happily After All: Honoring Our Family

As I've said a couple of times before, it was really important to me to honor our family members that have gotten married before us.  They've provided such a positive picture of what family and marriage should be like.
I showed you what I did with all of the pictures I gathered in the post about decorating, but I wanted to post each picture individually, because some of them are really old and fun to look at!

Edited to include: A few of you have asked how I pulled this off and was able to get every single family members' picture.  Well, I already had everyone's address for the invitation, so I just sent a letter to each wife asking for a picture from their wedding day for a special project I was working on.  I let them know they could either mail it to me, or email it if it was on their computer. (So I included my email and my address.)  I asked if I could keep the picture or if I needed to return it afterwards. 
So slowly, they all started trickling in.  I only had to remind a couple of people to send them my way.

We'll start with Mr. T's family.
Josh's Mom and Dad

His maternal grandparents.  His grandpa was in WWII and now they live on a gorgeous 300+ acre farm.  They had five kids, one of whom is Josh's mom.

His mom's brother and wife.  They have three kids, one of which is married with two kids, and one who is getting married in October!
The married daughter, Josh's cousin.

His mom's other brother and wife.

His mom's sister and husband.  Does he not look exactly like Tom Cruise?!!  They also have two married daughters and a younger son.
Here is their oldest who is expecting their first baby any day now!
And their other daughter who just left with her husband for two years in the Peace Corps in Fiji.

Here's another of Josh's cousins who was recently married.  They now have an adorable little girl.

And onto his dad's side of the family:
His paternal grandparents.  They also had five children, one of which was obviously Josh's dad.

His dad's sister and husband.  They have two girls.

His other aunt and her husband.  They have two boys.

All but a couple of these people live right here in MN within 45 minutes in any direction of us.  It's so nice having family so close, because I didn't have that with my family when I was growing up.

And now for my family.
My parents.

My maternal grandparents (my late grandpa).  My mom's parents had five kids, three of which are married, one that was married, and one that hasn't been yet.

My aunt and her husband.  They have three girls, one who is married with a little baby, and another who is getting married this month!
Their married oldest.

My mom's youngest sister and her husband.

And now my dad's side:
My dad's parents.  They only had three kids, all of whom are married with children.  I'm the first on this side to get married.

My dad's sister, the oldest.

My dad's brother, and his wife.

So there you have it.  All of our important family wedding pictures.  Hopefully some of the pictures provided a little humor for you.  I just wish I would have gotten all of their wedding dates while I was collecting pictures.  That might be another project!


  1. Holy doppleganger Batman! He DOES look lik Tom Cruise! Any Mapother's (Cruise's real last name)in Josh's family? LOL

    I can't wait to do this at our wedding - we're only doing our parents & grandparents though, otherwise it'll be too much. My FFIL is 1 of 7!

    Funny thing - I was so out of the wedding planning loop that a couple of years ago I thought I invented the idea of displaying family wedding pics. Haha!

  2. Oh my, he really does look like Tom Cruise. I don't know if anyone ever told you this, but I think you look so much like your maternal grandmother. Really great pictures and awesome idea.

  3. OMG he looks just like Tom Cruise! How fun!!!

    I just studied every pic. I LOVE this idea! How on earth did you pull it off?
    I wanna do it so bad now, ha! I have a whole year to attempt to get everyones. Kinda nervous, we have a big family and his parents are divocred and re-married.. So I would have A LOT of people!

  4. @Jenn...I added it in at the top of the post about how I pulled it all off!

  5. This is seriously impressive, in a few ways:
    1.) That you were able to collect all of these.
    2.) That you have so many family members who are still married. I could probably pull something like this off for Josh's (my Josh lol) side only. My side (both mom and dad) is not exactly the picture of marital bliss.

    I bet everyone loved this part of your wedding!

  6. Thanks for the update! I am going to try and pull this off!

    I already planned on having something for our parents but I think the whole fam is awesome!

    My fiances parents are divoreced and re-married so this could get tricky, but I'll see what I can do!

    I also plan on having a pic of my parents cutting their cake next to my cake :)


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