
Friday, February 12, 2010

Giveaway Winner!

I'm happy to announce that my first ever winner is Miss Kelly...aka KJPUGS!!
Here's proof that I did it nice and fairly.  I just entered all of your names into Excel in the order which the comments were received and had draw a number.

Kelly, I'm letting Kristin of Everyday's a Memory know that you won.  You can contact her at her Etsy shop to start the process of your two charms.  They have been paid for, along with the shipping so you're good to go!!

On a side note, I probably won't be around for awhile.  I'm back home in IL for 1.5 weeks and I'm heading down to Springfield this weekend to work Cheerleading State with my bosses.  We've got about 5 hotel rooms so it should be a great time!
But when I do get back to regular posting I've got lots of things to share with you.  I made a very successful trip to Dollar Tree the other day, and the first batch of my invitations are completely finished. 
I'll see you guys soon, have a great weekend!


  1. Holy cow! This is so exciting :) I am going to have a bouquet charm after all! :) Thanks so much, random # generator! LOL!

