
Thursday, September 3, 2009

Mr. T's Wedding Band

.....or what has the potential to be, anyways.
Mr. T and I haven't picked out our wedding bands yet.  And to be quite honest, we're really not in any rush to.  I mean, I'd love to go buy my pretty, sparkly ring, cause what girl couldn't use more diamonds??!  But I know that when we get them home they'll sit around our house tempting us to try them on early.  Mr. T, maybe not so much, but I know I definitely won't be able to keep my finger away from it until the wedding.  And that's just a little too much temptation for me! We have done some light browsing to get an idea of what will look good with my ring, but haven't really put any effort into what Mr. T might like.

Last night I was inspired by a post from Miss Apple Cider (or Mr. AC really) on Weddingbee who bought her hubby-to-be's wedding band from an artist on Etsy.  For those of you not familiar with Etsy, it is "your place to buy & sell all things handmade" (<-- pulled that right from the website!)  It is quite fantastic, and I highly recommend you check it out.  You can find anything there, and if it's not there, you can request that someone make it for you.
But anyways, here is the ring that Mr. AC got.
Walk With Me by artist: artisanlook
Gorgeous, right?!
Well don't think I didn't rush right over there to see what other magnificent creations I could find.  And here are a few I came up with, and then e-mailed to Mr. T.
Love Story by artist: artisanlook
Hawaii Titanium Ring by artist: Hawaiititanium
Hammered Titanium Ring by artist: Hawaiititanium
Titanium Ring by artist: titaniumknights
Titanium with Sterling Silver Inlay by artist: titaniumknights
The best part about all of this, is that a lot of rings I was seeing were down as low as $45 for a titanium ring.  I'm not going to surprise Mr. T with his ring or anything like that because, let's face it, he has to wear it for the rest of his life =] and I wouldn't want him to hate, or only kind of like it.  I want him to love it so much he never wants to take it off.  So I'm just simply sharing ideas with him, and eventually he'll find the ring he loves.  I hope!
What ring is your hubby wearing or going to wear?

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