
Thursday, November 11, 2010

Ornament Swap 2010

Okay guys, I promise I'm still around and reading the blogs...I just haven't had a chance to finish my recaps lately!  My fun little part time job, has turned into a full time, 45 hours a week job and I'm loving it..but not so much the lack of free time.  Pair that with packing (more on that later) and I'm just running out of time!
I'll be back soon, promise! But for now, I have a fun little something to share with you all.

On of my favorite bloggers from the beginning, Laura over at The Luckiest In Love (some of you might know her from her first wedding blog, Lucky in Love) is hosting an Ornament Swap this year.  Basically, if you head over to her blog and sign up quickly, she'll pair everyone with a partner and you mail each other a cute Christmas ornament.  She has set a $10 limit, but there are definitely some gorgeous ornaments out there for less.  You can either buy it or make it.  Then mail it out to your partner before December 4th, and wait for your own package to arrive as well.
I think it's a fun way to celebrate the holidays, and who doesn't love getting fun packages in the mail?!

So head on over now and get signed up!